From Maesk Counseling in Fort Lauderdale - Stress Relief

Managing Stress in Uncertain Times

In the midst of uncertainty and constant changes, it's natural to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Whether it's due to current events or personal struggles, stress can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. This is where counseling becomes an important tool in dealing with stress and navigating through difficult times.

Counseling offers a safe space for individuals to process their emotions, thoughts, and concerns. It provides an outlet for people to express themselves without fear of judgment or criticism. In times of stress, having someone to talk to can make all the difference.

Therapists are trained professionals who can offer valuable insights and tools to manage stress. They can help individuals identify triggers and develop coping mechanisms that work best for them. This may include relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness exercises.

Additionally, therapy sessions also provide a sense of support and validation. Knowing that you are not alone in your struggles can be comforting and empowering at the same time. Just having someone listening without interruption can be therapeutic in itself.

It's also important to recognize when seeking counseling may be necessary. If you find yourself constantly overwhelmed by stress or struggling with daily tasks because of it, it may be time to seek professional help. Counseling is not just for those facing major life challenges; it's also beneficial for managing day-to-day stressors.

In these stressful times, taking care of our mental health should be a top priority. Seeking counseling is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength as we navigate through uncertain waters. So if you're feeling overwhelmed by stress, don't hesitate to reach out for help – whether it's through therapy or other resources available in your community like support groups or hotlines.

Remember that everyone deals with stress differently so don't compare your journey with others'. Focus on finding what works best for you and take small steps towards managing your stress. And always remember that it's okay to not be okay, but it's important to seek help when we need it. Together, we can get through these stressful times and come out stronger on the other side.

From Maesk Counseling in Fort Lauderdale - Unlocking Success in Therapy

Embarking on a therapeutic journey can be a transformative experience, offering individuals an opportunity for self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. However, the outcomes of therapy vary from person to person, and while some clients find success and significant progress, others may encounter challenges in their therapeutic process. Let's delve into the factors that contribute to the divergent paths of success in therapy.

Client Motivation and Commitment:

  • Success in therapy often begins with the client's motivation and commitment to the process.

  • A strong desire for change and a willingness to actively engage in the therapeutic work can significantly impact progress.

  • Clients who attend sessions regularly, complete assigned tasks, and invest time outside of therapy in self-reflection tend to experience more successful outcomes.

Therapeutic Alliance:

  • The quality of the relationship between the therapist and the client, known as the therapeutic alliance, is a crucial determinant of success.

  • Trust, open communication, and a collaborative partnership fostered between therapist and client create a safe space for exploration and growth.

  • A positive therapeutic alliance enables clients to feel understood, supported, and more willing to confront challenging aspects of their lives.

Compatibility of Therapeutic Approach:

  • Different therapeutic modalities appeal to individuals based on their unique personalities, preferences, and needs.

  • The effectiveness of therapy is often enhanced when there is alignment between the client's preferred approach and the therapist's expertise.

  • A flexible therapist who can adapt their approach to meet the client's evolving needs contributes to a more successful therapeutic process.

Openness to Change and Self-Exploration:

  • Clients who are open to self-exploration and willing to challenge their existing beliefs and behaviors tend to experience more profound changes.

  • Resilience and a growth mindset enable clients to navigate setbacks and view challenges as opportunities for learning and development.

  • Encouraging clients to embrace change and explore new perspectives can enhance the likelihood of successful therapeutic outcomes.

External Support Systems:

  • The presence of a supportive network of friends, family, or peers can significantly impact a client's progress in therapy.

  • Clients with a strong support system may find it easier to implement changes and sustain their therapeutic gains.

  • Encouraging clients to communicate with their support network and involve them in the therapeutic process can enhance overall success.

Finally, remember that your journey in therapy is a collaborative effort between you and your therapist. Success is not just about attending sessions; it's about your commitment to the process and your openness to change. Together, we'll work on building a strong connection, a safe space for you to explore, and finding the therapeutic approach that resonates with you.

Your motivation and willingness to engage in self-reflection are key ingredients for progress. Embracing change, even when it feels challenging, and maintaining a growth mindset will empower you to navigate through setbacks. Don't forget the importance of your support network – involving friends, family, or others who care about your well-being can make a significant impact.

As you continue on your journey, keep in mind that success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It's about discovering what works best for you and creating a path towards the positive changes you seek. Maesk Counseling is here to support you every step of the way, and together, we'll unlock the doors to a more fulfilling and empowered life. Click HERE to get started.

Maesk Counseling Now Accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts!

We are happy to announce that we are now in-network providers with BCBS of Massachusetts. This means that, in most cases, all it costs for an appointment is your specialist co-pay. We couldn’t be happier to serve more folks in Massachusetts! You can make your appointment for a telehealth session HERE.

Telehealth at Maesk Counseling is fast and easy.

Persistence In Therapy

Working through difficult times in therapy can be a challenging and sometimes uncomfortable process. It may require facing painful emotions, confronting past traumas, or making difficult changes in one's thoughts and behaviors. However, despite the challenges it presents, working through these difficult times is an essential part of the therapeutic journey.

One of the most significant risks when going through therapy is stopping abruptly. Many people may feel tempted to discontinue their therapy sessions when they start feeling better or when things get too tough to handle. While this may provide temporary relief, it can ultimately hinder progress and potentially lead to a relapse.

When we stop attending therapy sessions prematurely, we miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and healing. Therapy provides a safe space to confront our deepest fears and inner struggles with the guidance of a trained professional. It allows us to gain insight into our patterns of thinking and behaving that may be holding us back from living fulfilling lives.

Moreover, persisting through difficult times in therapy pays off in the long run. Building resilience takes time and effort; it is not something that can be achieved overnight. By continuously showing up for ourselves in therapy, even when it feels uncomfortable or overwhelming, we develop resilience muscles that help us navigate future challenges more effectively.

In addition to building resilience, working through tough times in therapy also helps us establish healthier coping mechanisms. Many individuals turn to unhealthy behaviors such as substance abuse or avoidance when facing difficulties instead of addressing them directly. Through consistent attendance at therapy sessions and actively engaging with our therapist's guidance, we learn healthier ways of coping with life's stressors.

Persisting through tough moments in therapy can help improve our overall mental health outcomes significantly. While there are no quick fixes or shortcuts on the path towards healing and personal growth, staying committed to working through difficulties with a therapist can accelerate progress towards achieving positive change.

While working through difficult times in therapy may seem daunting at first, it is crucial to remember that persistence pays off. It takes courage and determination

To make an appointment to discuss your particular situation, and get help, click HERE.

Get to Know Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

If you're struggling with depression, cognitive behavioral therapy may be an effective way to start improving your mental health. In this blog post, we'll explore the basics of cognitive behavioral therapy and how it can help people dealing with depression.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy used by mental health professionals to help people cope with difficult life situations or problems related to their mental health. It incorporates aspects of both cognitive and behavioral therapies into one approach, as the name suggests. CBT seeks to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, attitudes or behaviors that are preventing a person from feeling better or proceeding in life in a positive direction.

In terms of treating depression specifically, CBT helps people recognize their negative thought patterns and provides ways for them to reframe those thoughts in constructive ways. Through this approach, individuals can identify distorted thinking patterns contributing towards depressive symptoms and replace these thoughts with healthier ones that are based on reality rather than irrational assumptions or cognitive distortions they may have adopted over time.

Besides challenging negative thoughts by helping people identify them and learn how to alter them more effectively when they occur in the future, CBT also teaches important skills for managing stress such as problem solving techniques as well as communication skills for developing better relations with family members or co-workers . This type of therapy is also very efficient because it usually requires fewer sessions than other forms of psychotherapy such as interpersonal therapy (IPT).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an effective technique used by many therapists today which helps patients understand underlying causes behind their depression while teaching practical techniques on how to manage stress more effectively day-to-day. If you're considering counseling or therapy for depression, consider learning more about CBT and talking with us about your options before moving forward towards treatment so you can make an informed decision regarding what's best suited for you long term goal attainment goals. Get help HERE.

"When The Going Gets Tough" - From Maesk Counseling in Fort Lauderdale

Oftentimes in therapy, when faced with difficult or painful issues, people often drop out of therapy. Of course, embarking on a therapeutic journey requires immense courage and vulnerability. It is a path that calls for self-reflection, exploration, and growth. Along this journey, we are likely to face challenges and moments of doubt. However, when we choose not to give up on therapy, we open ourselves up to profound transformation.

Creating a Supportive Therapeutic Relationship

The therapeutic relationship serves as a crucial foundation for the healing process. By committing to therapy and persevering, we foster the growth of a trusting and collaborative alliance with our therapist. This connection provides a safe space where we can freely express ourselves, explore our emotions, and receive guidance and support. Through this relationship, we gain a valuable source of encouragement, validation, and insight that aids us in our journey of self-discovery and healing.

Challenging Limiting Beliefs

A primary goal of therapy is to identify and challenge the limiting beliefs that hinder our personal growth and well-being. By persisting in therapy, we demonstrate a commitment to confronting these beliefs head-on. With the guidance of our therapist, we acquire tools and strategies to reframe negative thought patterns, replace self-limiting beliefs with empowering ones, and develop a more compassionate and empowering self-narrative. Through our continued dedication to therapy, we create space for profound shifts in our mindset and pave the way for lasting change.

Discovering Hidden Strengths and Resilience

Therapy has a remarkable way of unveiling our hidden strengths and resilience. As we navigate the challenges and setbacks inherent in the therapeutic journey, we unearth untapped reserves of inner strength. By persevering, we learn to trust our capacity to overcome difficulties and bounce back from adversity. This newfound resilience becomes a powerful asset, not only within therapy but also in our everyday lives. It equips us to face future challenges with greater confidence and determination.

Nurturing Personal Growth and Empowerment

By refusing to give up on therapy, we embrace its transformative potential. Through self-exploration, introspection, and the guidance of our therapist, we embark on a journey of personal growth and empowerment. We gain insights into our patterns of behavior, emotional responses, and underlying motivations. With this heightened self-awareness, we can make conscious choices, implement positive changes, and align our lives with our true values and aspirations. By persistently engaging in therapy, we take an active role in shaping our own growth and creating a more fulfilling and authentic life.

So, embrace the courage to continue on your path, knowing that the rewards are worth the effort. Don’t give up!

The Benefits of Counseling for Depression

The Value of Counseling for Depression

Depression is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can cause a wide range of symptoms, including sadness, hopelessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and changes in appetite or sleep patterns. Depression can make it difficult to function at work, school, or home, and it can lead to social isolation and loneliness.

There are many different treatments available for depression, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Counseling is one of the most effective treatments for depression, and it can be especially helpful for people who are struggling to cope with the symptoms of their condition.

Counseling can help people with depression in a number of ways. It can provide them with a safe and supportive space to talk about their feelings and experiences. It can help them to understand the causes of their depression and to develop coping strategies for managing their symptoms. Counseling can also help people to improve their relationships with others and to build a stronger sense of self-esteem.

If you are struggling with depression, counseling can be a valuable resource. It can help you to get the support you need to overcome your condition and to live a happier and healthier life.

Here are some of the benefits of counseling for depression:

  • Counseling can help you to understand the causes of your depression.

  • Counseling can help you to develop coping strategies for managing your symptoms.

  • Counseling can help you to improve your relationships with others.

  • Counseling can help you to build a stronger sense of self-esteem.

  • Counseling can help you to overcome your depression and to live a happier and healthier life.

If you are struggling with depression, please know that you are not alone. There is help available, and you can get better. Please reach out to us today: CLICK HERE FOR HELP

Mental Health Care for The Career Woman

When you think about it, modern women are really like superheroes. Not only are they obtaining college degrees and climbing corporate ladders, they’re doing so while also raising families. They may also find themselves taking care of aging parents at the same time.

While some women are able to manage juggling all of these big responsibilities, many women, over time, will experience burnout and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

A Gold Medal for Prioritizing Mental Health

Last summer, the world held its collective breath as gymnast Simone Biles made the heartbreaking decision to withdraw from the Olympic finals. She was very transparent, announcing her decision was a result of making her mental health a priority. 

This was a real act of bravery and her decision shone a light on the importance of protecting the mental health of world-class athletes. 

But the reality is, protecting your health is important for all women, no matter your career choice. From professional athletes to CEOs and every career woman in between, it is vitally important to prioritize their mental health.

How Career Women Can Cultivate Good Mental Health

The following are some ways professional women can protect their mental health from the burdens of careers and family life:

Accept and Expect Imperfections

No matter how hard you try, you’ll never get everything perfect 100% of the time, and that’s okay. Recognize your own humanity and give yourself a break.

Find Support

As you continue to try and be there for everyone else, it’s important that you find people and things to lean on. This can mean family, friends, your faith, or a personal exercise routine. 

Make Time for Yourself

It’s important to step back from the daily grind every once in a while to just rest and relax. The more you take the time to recharge your battery, the more able you’ll be to juggle the responsibilities of your life.

Talk with Someone

Sometimes it’s easier to speak with someone outside of your social or familial network. Talking with a therapist can really help you gain perspective on your life and your abilities. He or she can also give you strategies to navigate the stressful situations in your life.

If you’d like to speak with someone and explore treatment options, please get in touch with me.




  • file:///C:/Users/jbruc/Downloads/Mental-Health-Facts-for-Women.pdf

From Maesk Counseling in Fort Lauderdale - Journaling Therapy - Art Therapy

“Dear Diary…” 

As kids, many of us told our deepest secrets and our hopes and dreams to our diaries. And then we got older and forgot all about visiting those pages each day.

You may have heard about journaling, which some would say is the adult equivalent of keeping a diary. But journaling can also be a powerful form of therapy, as journaling exercises can bring about self-awareness and improve mental health.

The Difference Between Journal Therapy and Keeping a Journal

Before the 1960s, when journal therapy began, people simply used a journal to record their experiences, much like they did as kids. This was a narrative form of writing and wasn’t really seen as a truly therapeutic process.

But when psychologist Dr. Ira Progoff introduced an intensive form of journaling, the therapeutic potential of the journaling process came into view. Today, journal therapy is a stand-alone therapy modality similar to art and music therapy. 

Perhaps the biggest difference between journal therapy and simply keeping a journal is the way an individual’s internal thoughts, feelings and experiences are captured. Journal therapy allows a person to not only write down their issues and concerns, but to also be reflective and introspective about them. In this way, journal therapy can be a real agent for change.

Who Can Benefit from Journal Therapy?

Journal therapy can be very beneficial for those individuals who typically have difficulty processing their thoughts and emotions. Journal therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Depression

  • Grief and loss

  • Substance abuse

  • Eating disorders

  • Low self-esteem

  • And more

Getting Started

While anyone can try journaling on their own, to truly benefit from the process, it’s best to work with a therapist who can guide you and offer prompts that can help you get your thoughts and feelings on the page.

If you are struggling with mental health issues, have a hard time talking about them, and would like to explore journaling therapy, please reach out to me.



